Hero's Journey or Victim's Defeat?

These last two years have been quite a rollercoaster on my psyche and have had me questioning a lot of things in my life. Couple that with the fact that last year was my personal 7 year, numerologically speaking, which is an inward journey of reflection and reviewing one's life, goals, and directions and is full of questions of "why", "how", and "where", and let's just say my mind has not been a calm place to spend any time. As an air sign my head is typically full of thoughts on any given day, but in a 7 year it's cranked up to 11!

Over the last few months however I decided to not let myself get overwhelmed by my thoughts but rather take a more directorial approach to them. Thoughts come and go, and sometimes they are helpful. Other times they can be destructive, and if left to run wild can get very bad and have a negative effect on our lives. I was done letting them get the best of me.

The first step I had to go through was…

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