Online Reiki Healing Circles and Meditations

I pray that you are all doing well in the midst of this global health crisis. Until the stay-at-home order is lifted I will not be offering any in-person Reiki sessions, and classes are on hold until they can be rescheduled.

I have moved the Monday night Reiki Healing Circle to the Kukan Reiki Kai Facebook page, and I go LIVE from 7:30-8:30pm leading a guided meditation and a self-Reiki session.

I have also been leading a brief meditation every morning at 8am also on Facebook Live that you can join (with your kids as well) or you can watch the recording anytime on the Kukan Reiki Kai Facebook page.

Although most of my work is on hold, I’ve been keeping my hands full with my family, and you can see some of the projects we have accomplished with our extra time.

If you are feeling that you could use some Reiki or know someone else that could, please reach out and schedule a Distant Reiki Session. I have rediscovered how powerful and effective Distant Reiki can be over the last couple of weeks when working with others remotely, and it is a great way to rebalance and relax when this quarantine starts to get the best of you.