The Morning Pages

Have you ever heard of the Morning Pages? If so, have you tried them out? How did they work for you?

If you haven’t heard of the Morning Pages, allow me to explain. It is a free-form thought flow journaling exercise prescribed by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. Within the first 30 minutes of waking, you are to get out a notebook and write three pages (with paper and pen) of anything that comes to mind, and you don’t stop until you fill all three pages.

This is not a timed exercise. This is a process, and it is one that gave me great results. You can think of it as another form of meditation where you are present with your passing thoughts, and as you continue the process it is also an intuitive development exercise to help strengthen your clairaudience (psychic hearing).

I also found it was a great way to be my own therapist because writing my thoughts on the page helped me view my thoughts more objectively, and I could then see a path or action to take in order to resolve any issues I had with myself or anyone else.

The purpose of having to handwrite three pages is that the longer you write, the more you clear the junk from your mind and open up to inner wisdom and guidance from your unconscious, your spirit guides, angels, loved ones who have passed, your higher self, etc.

When I first started it, I was not looking forward to it, but I was committed to it. I wrote with large lettering to take up space on the page so I could finish it as quickly as possible. Being trained in mathematics had me predisposed to conveying as much information in as few words and symbols as possible. Handwriting three pages seemed like a strenuous task at first, but once I kept at it, I started to look forward to it. And I ended up liking it so much I did it for three and a half years. I have since taken a break from the daily practice, however I find myself using free-form thought flow journaling whenever I need to gain some clarity in my thinking.

To give you a glimpse at how my inner guidance started speaking through me in my Morning Pages, I thought I would share one of my entries with you.

January 18, 2014

It’s already there. Allow it to reveal itself to you and accept it as it develops right in front of your eyes. Be curious. See new parts becoming clear out of nothing. When I opened my eyes from meditation just now I was looking towards the corner of the table. I saw the table and my pile of books and then a strip of a brown rectangular patch that was different than the wood of the table. I didn’t know what it was, but I kept staring at it. Soon a halo appeared floating above it. Shortly after that, the space between them was filling up with something to connect them. It was then that I saw the box of ornaments that I placed there to remind me to give them to [a friend]. I didn’t even see that box when I opened my eyes. It didn’t register because I forgot it was there. Then all of a sudden, it slowly began to build itself in front of me. Something I didn’t know was there, yet, it was, began to show itself to me.

This is how manifesting works. Everything is already there. We only perceive parts of it because otherwise we would be overloaded and not be able to handle it. Everything is already there. We simply have to think of it and allow the image to reveal itself in our eyes so that we can believe it with our brain, even though it’s our mind through our brain that is creating it in the first place. It’s almost as if we have to trick ourselves into believing it’s coming from outside of ourselves so that we can believe it. It all starts from within.

This is what I was saying previously in the text that you typed up and sent to [a couple friends]. Beliefs start from within. The world starts from within. This is the grand scheme of how it works, but if everyone thought this way, not much would get accomplished on Earth because there would be no need for Earth. We would transcend the physical plane and go back to being light beings and be and travel anywhere we want. We would realize we don’t need to build anything because we can create anything through thought. Since we don’t believe that now, we are stuck in the physical world. 

We can access the higher realms through thought, but until you are released from your body, you will remain in the physical existence. It is what you need to do to appreciate where you come from. 

We need to learn appreciation. Teach it. Show it to be magnificent. Simple acts of appreciation will prepare you to appreciate this life when it’s over and appreciating things now will allow you to enjoy the life you are in. Don’t worry about all the paths everyone else is on. You can influence them, but you can’t get them to believe as you do. 

They will believe as they do and figure out what they need to figure out on their own. You can help, but don’t attach to then converting their beliefs because of you. Your truth is your truth. Let them figure out what their truth is. Your truth is not even absolute truth, but just one perspective of it. Your perspective of it is based on your experiences in this world. Allow everyone their own experience and share yours to help them”

If you have used the Morning Pages let me know how they worked for you. If you haven’t and are interested, feel free to ask me any questions you have or you can embark on the journey of The Artist’s Way and go through the full process laid out by Julia Cameron.

I wish for you a great month of 2’s (February = 2, Year = 2020), and I hope to see you at one of the circles or classes this month.

Until next month, write on.