Kukan Reiki Kai

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Reviewing the Gokai

The real "self-work" of a Reiki practice is achieved through practicing the Gokai, the Reiki Principles. These are the five precepts that Mikao Usui brought into the practice to keep students on the path of continued healing and happiness.

I am writing this because I could use a little reminder from time to time. Sometimes I find myself straying off the path, and I need to course correct. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to refresh my memory.

The translations of the Reiki Gokai are included here with some suggestions for application.

Just for today, do not anger.

Although it is practically impossible to never get angry in life, the anger we are asked to give up in this principle is rage-like anger. That kind of anger is not good for one's body, mind, or spirit, nor is it ever beneficial to those around you. Our emotions arise for a reason, and the energy that arises with anger is there to protect us and to keep us from having our rights violated. However, that energy can cloud the mind, and the actions taken while in the energy of anger could worsen the situation. Recognize the anger, step away until you can cool down, reflect on what caused the anger, and take appropriate actions to protect yourself without causing harm to yourself or others.

Just for today, do not worry.

Whereas anger usually arises when something happens outside of yourself, worry tends to be self-inflicted, a state of mind that we generate on our own. My remedy for worry is to ask myself the following sequence of questions.

Is there anything I can do about the situation?
Yes                                 or                                      No
Follow up Question                                                Let it go.
Can I do it now?                                                                        
Yes          or          No                                                                            
Do it now!                Set an alarm to do it when I can.                                      


Just for today, be grateful.

There is plenty of evidence now through research in positive psychology to show the mental and physical health benefits of a gratitude practice, and Usui sensei promoted it 100 years ago. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on at least one thing for which you can be grateful. Make sure to give enough time to feel the gratitude within. Don't just give it lip service. The true key is to feel the gratitude. You can journal it or just think through it, but whichever way you do it, make sure to feel it.

Just for today, do your duties.

We all have different responsibilities in life with the multitude of roles we play (parent, child, employee, volunteer, client, boss, teammate, colleague, etc.). Keep in mind those roles and fulfill your obligations, not because you will be rewarded, but because it is your duty. Follow through on your promises, show integrity in your word, and be responsible. Simple, but not easy. Take pride in your finished work, but don't boast about it. Keep it to yourself, and feel the inner joy of a job well done.

Just for today, be kind to others.

When the previous four principles are being attained, this one kind of happens on its own, but sometimes we need a little reminder. We are all going through our own struggles in this world, and sometimes we are so involved in them that we forget that others might be having a tough time as well. Don't take things personally, and remind yourself to be kind even when others are not. They might be in need of some kindness right about now. Conjure whatever story you want about the tough time someone else might be having in order for you to come from a place of compassion and kindness in your words and actions. You'll feel better, and it might rub off on the other person as well.

I hope that this is a good review of the Reiki Principles, and perhaps adds a little more to it for you. Time for me to embrace a little kindness and fulfill my duties, just for today. Blessings!